Friday, 21 October 2016


I tried to tackle this film from 3 different perspectives. 1)Humor and EntertainmentLet's face it people falling down is funny. I wanted to limit dialogue and focus on visual/prop/typical tried and true clown gags and sound FX. Keeping it universally funny was important. While talking about my stand up comedy, // said,"I don't know if I should get off or laugh"Ever since then, that statement has been the foundation of my comedy shows... so while you're laughing there's two hot chicks to keep you basically entertained for 5 mins. So for those of you who don't want to think about any possible message or meaning, and you just want something to watch mindlessly... You're Welcome ;P 2)Closet gays. Escaping reality to explore sexuality. Hiding behind a mask becoming someone else to allow yourself to explore happiness.. and at the end of the film allowing it into your reality aka coming out of the closet. 3)Judging a book by it's cover: a)This girl is forever single because she is judged based on job. Publicly she is an entertainer, the world only knows the character she is on stage. No one knows her without the costume and make up. Only a co-worker understands. The happy ending allows them both to dismiss the characters they play on stage and genuinely find happiness with each other in their real world, sans make up, costumes etc.